eBay Scam? Specialized Bicycles Sues Over Allegedly Counterfeit Jerseys, Shorts. Tis the season for -- allegations of piracy? Those $120 bike shorts you got under the tree may be knockoffs, according to a new lawsuit. Morgan Hill's Specialized Bicycle Components has filed a complaint in San Fran...
Clothing Designer Tory Burch Wins $164M In Lawsuit Against Online CounterfeitersBy TechCrunch.com, Women's clothing designer Tory Burch has been awarded $164 million in damages from online counterfeiters that have been selling copies of her shoes, bags and clothing on the web. According to Wo...
LoLz! Spotted on ebay forums Who dumped who... ? 98.3% feedback, looks like they've ceased selling more than one month ago, since the seller list completed shows zero items. (Ebay has changed the view item link on feedback pages so that you need to be signed it to view them now.) hahahahaha coachfa...