PayPal becomes latest victim of hackers as Twitter account is breached
PayPal becomes latest victim of hackers as Twitter account is breached By Richard Hartley-parkinson Last updated at 11:50 AM on 6th July 2011 Online payment service PayPal appears to have become the latest victim of hackers. The company's UK PayPal Twitter feed was breached as the perso...
Major 2nd Chance Offer Fraud - Reported to eBay with absolutely no action.
hmmm.... there's that insider word. again. Major 2nd Chance Offer Fraud - Reported to eBay with absolutely no action. Mar 17, 2013 06:46 PMWe are a high turnover business and are currently being targeted by a sophisticated scam involving sending 2nd change offers to bidders on our items. I bel...
Privacy Breach on ebaY Community
This got some mention on ebay forums, and at ecommercebytes blog and EKG. It wasn't just groups, it was also reviews and guides. Anyone who authored them had their full name displayed. To their credit, the ebay employee Jeff was on the case, acknowledging, removing/correcting the situation *pront...
HMRC's lost disks turn up...on Ebay.
HMRC's lost disks turn up...on Ebay. Bids have been rolling in on the online auction site Ebay for an item listed as "child benefit cd x 2 millions of personal details" This follows yesterday's revelation that a junior official at HMRC was free to dump the entire contents of the Child Be...
Ebay Members Receiving Paypal Phishing Emails Addressed to their Proper Name
Ebay Members Receiving Paypal Phishing Emails Addressed to their Proper Name Now, if the info in the above post isn't bad enough, a little follow up here from a similar topic thread started by the same potential victim:Really good spoof using Paypal Where we find perhaps one of the most slippery st...
Federal Reserve Investigating Bitcoin, PayPal And Other Online Payment Services For Security Breaches
Federal Reserve Investigating Bitcoin, PayPal And Other Online Payment Services For Security Breaches By Alexander C. Kaufman | June 03 2013 2:34 PM The U.S. Federal Reserve is investigating the possible risks in online payment systems like PayPal Inc. and the virtual currency bitcoin, as bank...