PayPal and eBay have hung me out to dry
PayPal and eBay have hung me out to dry PayPal small print leaves eBay seller without The Guardian, Saturday 29 January 2011 I sold a 46-inch Sony TV and Blu-ray player on eBay for £750. The items were paid for via PayPal, and the buyer asked if they could come and col...
First Person: I Made $10,000 on eBay Last Year
Now here is some epic ownage if I ever saw it! First off, this article is so blatantly fake you can smell it! Second, the comments are rolling fast & furious, so far over 2,500. By far they are mostly unfavorable to sleazebaY.First Person: I Made $10,000 on eBay Last Year Uploaded with ImageShack....
Another Seller Swears Off eBay Forever
Another Seller Swears Off eBay Forever By Laura Northrup on May 2, 2012 11:30 AM There was a time, around approximately 2001, when eBay was a global marketplace where you could easily and efficiently unload items with any market value that you wanted to get rid of. Now, it's more of a global flea market...
Fan of Alien DNA Theories, Financial Advisor, Fashion Designer Found Shot To Death On His Fairfax Doorstep
I belive this person may have been an ebaY seller. RIP Links in article. Fan of Alien DNA Theories, Financial Advisor, Fashion Designer Found Shot To Death On His Fairfax Doorstep
Jeff Gelles: Yanked by eBay, a merchant fights back
LoL! You'll want to click through to check out this guy's other claims to fame. Jeff Gelles: Yanked by eBay, a merchant fights back The way Patrick Rodgers sees it, he has two primary locations for his business, which includes promoting Gothic and neo-medieval music, and selling collectible trad...