Excellent job, paypal... :rolls eyes: It's long but the gist is that paypal is cheating the bug bounty hunters. PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ? The Hacker News always motivate hackers to first Disclose vulnerabilities to vendors, because we take SECURITY IN A SERIOUS WAY. But wha...
PayPal denies teenager reward for finding website bug A 17-year-old German student contends PayPal has denied him a reward for finding a vulnerability in its website. Robert Kugler said he notified PayPal of the vulnerability on May 19. He said he was informed by email that because he is under 18 yea...
Looks like it's been fixed. [Maybe] Read where Paypal already claimed to have fixed it back in May, which turned out to be a falsehood. It also did not say for sure that they paid the Bug Bounty Hunter, and they have a reputation for...