xppman wrote: I even turned the thinking around of the likes of Dave and Ina of Auctionsbytes, and scores of TOP eBay sellers as well as and many others who for years mostly sang the praise of the once great eBay.
You have no idea how much that news pleases me. I still remember the treatment you recieved on Auctionbytes. They treated you like you were some sort of mentally unstable nut case. They were all shills I suspect. Nice to know you've been unbanned on Auctionbytes and restored to a position of respect. I was suspecting Dave and Ina were shills when they kicked you off the auctionbytes board.
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
You thought Dave and Ina were shills? Funny.. I never thought that and in fact quite the contrary from some of the PM's we had.
On thing you are right about, there were a few shills over there. (maybe two or three when the place was at it's peak of popularity)
Just like any of the forums that had / have any significant membership.
Yes your bosses sent a few of you morons around the net, we all know that fact. Let's see: FAS (yep it had a few) TT (they tried but FAILED) Auctionbytes (probably one still there) paypalsux.com (big time over there) PSU (yep they had one of you there too)
Now the term "few" is relative because in reality we all know it's the same little butt sniff group hired by LieWorld just roaming the forums to TRY and snuff out all the TRUTH and negativity.
But as you can see below the LiveFive are out number by what is it now?
PayPal 91.6 million inactive users
Yep. I'd say I did a good job of educating the peeps over there too. You should of seen the hit counts in those threads.... amazing.
xppman wrote: You thought Dave and Ina were shills?
Of course I thought they were shills. Why else would they have banned you at Auctionbytes? You don't think pressure was put on them from larger fish in the pond?
My God! That's what it was wasn't it. I guess Ina and Dave had to either ban you or face destruction from higher powers. I keep forgetting how much you were feared by eBay/PayPal. I guess there fears were well founded since you've effectively put them out of business.
Did you see the article on WSJ that mentioned your "XPPMan," user name?
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
Yes, I think I've become part of the conspiracy for lunch bunch. Everything can be explained away with a conspiracy and you make sure any challenging the conspiracy is the one that has to prove it wrong. You simply put on the southern Baptist Preacher mentality and claim it's a FACT.
It's a beautiful system.
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
There is a huge amount of evidence that paypal sucks, in not only the bible, but all sorts of religious texts. For example, recently, ancient texts with paypal related passages were found in caves in the middle east, curiously enough, by goat-herders. They have been partially translated into English from the dead language of Strongbrew. (Strongbrew is exactly like Hebrew, only different)
A brief look at the etymology reveals interesting sidenotes. The word for paypal, in the ancient strongbrew language, literally translated, means "they who are weasels which bloweth goats and stealeth metal money from your bank account", yet is phoenetically pronounced [pey-guhn-pal].
Anyway, here is the text:
"And yeah, paypal did lead 144 goats into the desert for 49 days and 49 nights, and yeah-UH did paypal bloweth seven fold seven goats seven times daily, and also did they seven times nightly. And yeah-UH, did paypal also lead into the desert camels, donkeys, chickens, and the scaly beasties which creepeth upon the ground. And yea-UH, did paypal also lay down with and bloweth the camels, donkeys, chickens, and the scaly beasties which creepeth upon the ground.
And it came to pass that on the first day and althrough the 49th night, the goats, and the camels, donkeys, chickens, and the scaly beasties which creepeth upon the ground, came to know paypal, and did reward paypal with showers of gold and necklaces of pearl.
And to paypal and their suppurating offspring was given the power to make money disappear, as if taken thus unto the heavens, and also over bank account funds snatching.
And also was paypal given two faces and a mouth which spoke great big fat lies, and which opened with a great sucking sound heard the world over.
And also was paypal given the abilty to cause great perplexity to the entire world with wholesale incompetence, frozen and linked accounts, endless automated email response loops, irresponsible disclosure practices, data leaks, compromised security, technical problems, crappy customer service, negligence, and unethical practices.
And also was paypal given control over hideous chimeras which are like unto malodorous blabbering winged parrot-poodle-monkeys, who shall seek to shape the conversations..."
So there you have it, undeniable proof. Proof as undeniable as a PayPal payment from an unconfirmed address.
There is also some other, as of yet, untranslated text that was accompanied by very bright red, blue, yellow and green pigments arranged in what scholars believe to be the world's oldest logo ever to be used by scammers, which is uncannily strikingly similar to that of a modern-day popular online venue.
You can read more about it over at the paypalisthedevil website, but there will also be more on that there elarrowdeetohdellgoo-gal site too.
If you do not believe me, I point out this small coincidence(?)
The great omnipotent, almighty and all powerful god of elgooG serves only one true answer, from billions of websites, for those who seek...
If you are an uptight, slackless, faithless secularist, read the Q3 report, no leap of faith required there. (91 million inactive accounts. Inactive account growth again higher than active account growth.)
(I now pass the collection plate)
(cough cough)
-- Edited by anonymous at 06:52, 2006-10-28
CAPP Consumers Against PayPal Policies - Exposing the sleazery of sleazebay and painpal
Yes, I think I've become part of the conspiracy for lunch bunch. Everything can be explained away with a conspiracy and you make sure any challenging the conspiracy is the one that has to prove it wrong. You simply put on the southern Baptist Preacher mentality and claim it's a FACT.
It's a beautiful system.
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
OK I'm not sure what all that's about. nor am I sure what the bored one refers to as "conspiracy for lunch bunch"?
anonymous wrote: There is a huge amount of evidence that paypal sucks, in not only the bible, but all sorts of religious texts.
I for one have always appreciated the tireless digging that anonymous has done in order to further prove that PayPal is in league with the devil. Way to go bro!
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
anonymous wrote: There is a huge amount of evidence that paypal sucks, in not only the bible, but all sorts of religious texts.
I for one have always appreciated the tireless digging that anonymous has done in order to further prove that PayPal is in league with the devil. Way to go bro!
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
What conspiracy is it you feel I'm speaking of Bored?
xppman wrote: You thought Dave and Ina were shills?
Really Bored wrote: Of course I thought they were shills. Why else would they have banned you at Auctionbytes? You don't think pressure was put on them from larger fish in the pond?
My God! That's what it was wasn't it. I guess Ina and Dave had to either ban you or face destruction from higher powers. I keep forgetting how much you were feared by eBay/PayPal. I guess there fears were well founded since you've effectively put them out of business.
xppman wrote: Your catching on.
Perhaps we should talk about conspiracies when "you know you" could be listening. Mums the word I guess.
EVERYDAY, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
My banning from Auctionbytes was not part of any "conspiracy" to my knowledge, so please enlighten us as to what conspiracy you are referring to.
As a matter of fact the only two places I've ever been shown the door was AB and PP. (Interesting to note the dickhead who was acting like a LieWorld shill was shown the door too) Now the reasons are clear on PP, but please... tell us why you think AB did it.
Could it of had anything to do with any of the "few" others who were present at the time and the influence they once had at that forum?
Notice the word HAD? Yep.. AB has seen the light IMO and that is reflected in many of thier more recent articles about your beloved eBay.
So again please elaborate on the "conspiracy" . Or is this yet another LAME as usual, attempt to distract ,deflect and turn things inside out?
The FACT of the matter is thier is a cult out there.
Here are who they are.
Now the other 132.1 million inactive eBay members and the 91.6 million inactive PP users do seem to stick out just a bit don't you THINK?
Now if that is the cult or all part of the conspiracy "group". I think I'll stick with them.
xppman wrote: My banning from Auctionbytes was not part of any "conspiracy" to my knowledge, so please enlighten us as to what conspiracy you are referring to.
Oh! I guess I misunderstood the earlier exchange in this thread. I thought you were singled out for telling the truth against the might of eBay/PayPal and were banned from Auctionbytes because of that.
I guess they've got a quota to ban each year at Auctionbytes and you lost in the lottery. Bummer... your voice there was so fresh and welcomed.
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
He RAN away. (He was here when I posted the above, stayed a few mins. than hit the door running)
Guess I ed him good.
Well maybe when you return, we can go a different route Since you admitted you don't know what the hell you are talking about in your last attempted SPINS.
Can you tell us how PP will fight the dreaded fraudulent funds purchases this coming holiday season?
Have any idea how HP, Dell and the others will react when PP tells them weeks / months down the line. "You may have received fraudulent funds"?
Oh Paypal may have a nice holiday. It's the rest of us that will suffer, you little prick. How about a nice gift card. You can use it on your buddies porn site.
Nope, PayPal is dead. XPPMan kicked it's ass. We can tell our children and grand children, we were there.
__________________________________ Baby...
We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion) Let's celebrate, it's all right We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion) Let's celebrate, it's all right
Yahoo! Yahoo!
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate) Celebrate good times, come on! It's a celebration! Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Come on and celebrate, good times, tonight (Celebrate good times, come on!) 'Cause everything's gonna be all right Let's celebrate (Celebrate good times, come on) (Let's celebrate)... _______________________________________
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
I'm not jealous of XPPMan, I recognize his superior intellect and appreciate the work he has done with it. I've seen people like Club1Man spend countless hours fighting windmills with no success. Along comes XPPMan, and he gives a few years of doing battle with eBay/PayPal and the next thing you know they are corporate corpses. I applaud his achievement.
Maybe just a tiny bit jealous at his entourage of groupies he's got, but then again, I'm into safe sex so I'm not that jealous.
XPPMan Rocks!!! Yeah!!!
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.