First I place this pic up to the bandwidth thieves post:
Then I put this one:
No One had not been back to post so it sat on page two for a while: UNTIL....
Then I change the pic to this one:
Then I get this responce:
Then this responce:
Then I say:
And I get this responce:
Then I say:
Then I have a last thought:
Get this responce: (Note: Idiot below does not realize what "hard copy" means)
Another Lieworld mole pops in:
Now Helen backing herself up:
Now Slandery wants to SHAME ME instead of the bandwith theif:
Then the puppet master baiter chimes back in: (he likes to "bait"... get your minds out of the gutter PEOPLE)
More Banter and GANG RAPE of the xppman ensues:
AND MORE deep penetrating thrusts from ole clinic with her "other" ID:
My moring come back:
Clinic posts talking back to her "other" self after having my post removed with- in 4 minites of it being posted:
And now the famous:
All so a mad lady and her paid buddies can berate pp customers to make them go away.
PSSSSSSSS cliniclady2000 AND crew. This is the type of stuff that makes BIG companies legal staffs look at it and say. "We GOT TO GET RID OF THAT WENCH. Hey cut this guy a check and tell him we are so sorry and it will never happen again.
Oh and this VERY revealing incident also uncovered who the TRUE bandwidth thief was.
Can anyone guess?
Want to see my pink slaps and final you can't play here notice I just got? LOL
Oh I have that one too and was pink slapped for asking to remove mention of my 100% FB good standing ebay ID. I even hit the report button on the offenders.
Only thing that got removed was the ruby picture thief.s post and my public request to live world to remove the posts mentioning my ebay ID.
It's all good because when the BIG **** comes down on ppbay (and it is going too)
I'll be right there in the DOJ's office helping them sort through all the secondary warrants they are going to be processing for collusion.
Remember the ENRON scandal? Well they just extradited three UK bankers for their part in the whole fraud.
The DOJ goes down the list and these a$$es WILL hopefully get theirs when it is all said and done.
Wow, what a thread...Of course they are all hypocrical as hell...And you busted their a$$ good, and show it wasnt you and who it really was... Wow them linking to your pics, was really stupid thing to do...I suspect the Orange curtain is Clinic...LOL how pathetic...They think they are convincing people that we are the bad guys, but hell everyone that posts over there sees for themselves.. THey fool no one but themselves... They are the ones that are inconsistant in everything they type...And its funny.. it really is.. I laughed myself to death last night, the way they all came in trying to gang up on me, they had to Have LOTS of backup.. what wusses!..LOLOL It was so comical, they were trying sooo hard to get me mad and post some offense, All it did was let me know how much I must chap their a$$. Which was totally gratifying... Oh love how you changed those pics.. Totally hillarious!!
Yeah, Iv noticed clinic keeps saying shes going to bring in the orange curtain...LMAO...She said that in XP's thread....Like who really gives a $hit??? Cant she fight her own battles??? She has to call in back up? Shelties post was a hoot on virtual item board, when she equated circumventing fees and selling virtual items with Drug Lords, and the Ops buyers as Druggies...LMAO.. How desperate can they get? hahahaha...
On another note, Iv been reading a little bit on the Ebay Stores board and there are alot of people who are saying they are going to close their stores and post on Gbase.. Yeeeha!! I am sure Google is thrilled! EBay is in one big downward spiral, Anymore its like everything they touch turns to $hit... And its gonna be like that til they realize who got them where they are, and start appreciating the little guy... Liveworld is really hurting them more than they know, coupled with Paypal dark dealings, they are screwed...
Of course the consumers are being misled and they are being mislead by that PAID little shill group. There is NO DOUBT about it.
That's another reason these idiots LieWorld hired get so upset anytime anyone brings up the FACT that there are people in those threads doing just that.
And of course like ALL FRAUDS, they are going to deny it.
They know (or think) LieWorld, eBay and PP has their backs.
But if LieWorld's executives or even PP's or eBay's, had the screws put to them for this deceptive practice... I guarantee you those executives will roll over on their minions in a heart beat to save themselves.
They would immediately deny that they where "aware" of this illegal behavior by their contracted agents.
Now where does that leave these fools. Facing possible charges ALL BY THEMSELVES?
That is if any prosecutors buys the BS the executives are saying.
It is right out there for everyone to see what's truly going on and I do suspect that certain agencies do monitor some of those important threads and keep collecting this very damming evidence to use in the future.
You know it's one thing to market a BRAND or push a companies services but it is criminal when the marketers are deliberately misleading the consumers and as a result... these consumers are suffering finical loss
Believe me when I tell you this situation will not go on forever. When such deception involve large amounts of money, it most certainly draws dubious attention.
America hates corprate weasels.
-- Edited by anonymous at 22:20, 2006-07-21
CAPP Consumers Against PayPal Policies - Exposing the sleazery of sleazebay and painpal
Don't look like they are getting a good ROI then if the live five is the best they can come up with.
I mean from day one you could tell these marketers were posting scripted crap back and forth to each other to "create" a buzz..
Another reason they are so bitter. Can't make a good sales pitch with out everyone seeing right through the BS. LOL
It looks iffy when, no matter what, PP can do NO wrong, and some same posters, over and over and over continuously refuse to even acknowledge what is there in plain black and white, in a bazillion places.
Maybe they have some other stress factors unbeknownst to most making them cranky and bitter.
CAPP Consumers Against PayPal Policies - Exposing the sleazery of sleazebay and painpal
There is NO ONE one the planet that would turn a blind eye to the dark dealings of Paypal unless they were either getting paid for it OR were wanting to get paid for it... Thats what I Think the second rate asslickers are trying to do, they are "Applying for Jobs"... Hoping sandy or clinic will give them a recommendation to liveworld.... They dream of the day when Liveworld "offers" them a Job.. Lmao... what fools... Why would liveworld pay them, when they will do it for free!! They go whoring after liveworld, in hopes that liveworld will reconize them. When in reality all liveworld is gonna do is use them up and hang them out to dry... Pitiful really...All of the pros try to put on a persona that they are sooo pure and blameless, and in realty they nothing but a bunch of Hypocrits. Its sickening...
Its obvious what is happening on the board. When they first started their "jobs" I'm sure it wasnt nearly as difficult for them as it is now. They were able to chase off people pretty easily. Unfortunately as the years have gone on more and more are becoming aware of what is going on and not going away like they used to be able to do. Sure they can get them sanctioned for a short time or "indefinitely" but there are always others to take their place.
They are freaking because they cant handle it anymore so that is why you see the desperate posts and behavior. Sounds like its time for some of them to quit because what they are trying to do isnt working anymore
It's to the point now that a few satire cartoons are now considered "vulgar" to them and a few colorful words directed at them in commentary makes a site somehow less credible.
What total hypocrites these idiot are. The same one's whining foul about this and other sites are the ones being the foulest of all.
They just can't stand to see all the back on them.
It looks like some is asking is this allowed? Funny thing is the seller has a very distasteful vulgar graphic image which is extremely disrespectful of our President and vice president, during a time of war no less. A big slap in the face for our entire nation for the misguided seller to belittle our leaders for the sake of pawning a few stamps. I dont see how such blatant images are allowed on ebay.
I also see that ruby person hotlinking someone elses photo.
CAPP Consumers Against PayPal Policies - Exposing the sleazery of sleazebay and painpal
When they first started their "jobs" I'm sure it wasnt nearly as difficult for them as it is now. They were able to chase off people pretty easily. Unfortunately as the years have gone on more and more are becoming aware of what is going on and not going away like they used to be able to do.
Yep, I would say years ago they were able to intimidate the people coming there for help, and were able to get rid of them, because no one posted on the board that really knew what was truly going down. Now there are way to many people that Paypal has screwed and thus has made their Job very difficult. They cant intimidate the posters because there are too many people like us on there now... and our numbers are growing. I see more and more people taking bidpay, more and more people willing to sign up on Bidpay. More and more people defending bidpay. Of course the pros know that its really not about bidpay, its about the more control and choices you give the people over their own businesses, the less paypal can exert control and their strong arm tactics on their account holders... the more competition that is thrown into the mix the more Paypal is going to sink.