For those who laughed and said they could not find anything on Google Payments/GBuy/GPay - now Google Checkout -,, and officially signed on with Google in using their payment service. Looks like they are alive and well and we are just waiting for them to get through their test phase. I gave this article its own thread to make sure it got the much deserved attention, but here is the link in keeping Google info here too:
Published: June 29 2006 05:27 | Last updated: June 29 2006 05:27
Google will take a major step beyond search on Thursday, launching an online payment service that will undercut the charges of established providers such as Ebay'sPayPal in enabling transactions over the web.
Pretty quiet over there at the pp whores boards today. Everyone must be out trying to figure how they are going to use Google Payments for their ebay auctions.
Glad I don't have that problem anymore.
You know I still have a pp account in good standing?
The morons over there call me a hypocrite for it.
What they don't understand is that while I may not trust of like how pp operates I can still use them If I choose and talk **** about them at the same time.
Kind of like living in the USA. I may not like a lot of things here but it's my right to bitch about it and they can't kick me out of the country for it. LOL
Anyway no one hardly ever uses my PP account to pay anymore so as soon as I can get me bank verification info complete I just may go ahead and give pp the old cya letter.