In celebration of Independance Day, we'll have our first full PayPal Boycott on the first 4 days of July. We can't do this if you don't help spread the word.
Do not list or buy any items on eBay during the Boycott
Do not use PayPal to pay or accept payment for ANY transactions (eBay related or not) during the Boycott
Send an email to eBay AND PayPal each of the 4 days that states you are participating in the Boycott.
Search out sellers on eBay and contact them to let them know you will refuse to bid on their auctions (our use BIN) because they accept only the worlds leading scammers resource for payment. Provide these sellers with links to the eBay PayPal board, CAPP, and any other resources which can educate them on WHY people are no longer taking PayPal.
Sorry, i was wrong, the first boycott was March 24, 25 and 26
BOYCOTT: March 24th, 25th and 26th!
Spread the word. I am in the process of doing that myself. More members should be arriving soon.
During the boycott there should be ABSOLUTELY NO USE of PayPal at all. Also, register a "CAPP ID" if needed (over at ebay - an ID used for the CAPP boycotts), and contact every seller who only accepts paypal and let them know why you wont be buying from them. Contact every seller who offers alternative payment methods and THANK THEM.
Thank your buyers for paying by means of an alternative payment method and show them what an honest seller you are by quickly and efficiently shipping their item. Maybe even include a coupon good for a buck or 2 off their next purchase from you.
When we begin our endeavors, we will keep a tally of how many auctions sold and how many $$$ were made. I will then take those figures and determine how much revenue PayPal lost due to the Boycott. I will make sure Paypal is aware of this forum
please give us the tallys before the next boycott so we can have numbers to compare. this is the only way we can show the paypal cheerleaders proof that we are actually making a dent.
can we get the results from aprils boycott? i've been waiting very patiently. thank you.
I'll just bet you have!
It's up to each member to post their activity during the boycotts. I'm not sure that any rational person could expect a lot with only 14 registered members, which is why the next one is months away. The first BC was more of a "test run" and not what I call a full fledge boycott, therefore, July's boycott will be referred to as the first one.
Since you were so patiently waiting for the results of the test run, I'm sure you'll be happy to spread the word for the July boycott. Thanks in advance.
The best way to boycott pp is to get a merchant account. IMHO After we got ours we began to notice a steady decline in the pp payments being processed.
This was SEVERAL months ago.
Now about 99% of our customers pay via our merchant account even though we still offer them the ability to pay via pp.
That speaks volumes to us and dispels the mantra BS spin on pp boards that "the buyers want to use pp".
It simply in not the case. At least that has been our experience.
Also as many of you may already know pp's numbers are severely upside down with what is it. 79 million inactive accounts as opposed to only 29 million active?
So even if this site you have here only has a handful of members, the word is getting out and I feel your efforts here are NOT in vain.
Keep it up and keep spreading the word and by all means find alternate ways for your customers to pay you for your wares.
The most effective way to bring down a 800 LB gorilla is to simply significantly reduce to amount of money the receive from you.
PS the pp cheerleaders already KNOW you are making a dent. That is why they routinely delete your posts and sanction posters.
The BAD PR is getting around. They can't even argue the numbers effectively because they KNOW they are in a loosing battle. Idiots like clinically insane Texas peter eater slandering sandy dlickhead kid and the others with multiple ID's have come to hate their little brown nose jobs. Because the too know how foolish they look and they know that anyone lurking realizes they are all frauds just posting the company spin.
In short they are the Baghdad Bobs of pp and I doubt you can find 5 people in the world that has an ounce of respect of believes anything that comes out of his mouth.
A for sellers only site is under construction now and will also deal with ebay/PP things when it is up and running. Hope you don't mind but I am borrowing your boycott dates and will add them as a first boycott date on that site too. I will give credit to this site.
How are we gonna compare the numbers from the first boycott??? We still need results.
Also I think we should boycott ebay also, since the are the the head of the paypal monster and a beheading is necessary to kill paypal.
paypal isn't only used on ebay, it is used in many other places, which means paypal needs to be boycotted universally, not just on ebay. if we do this plus boycott ebay we will really make a dent in ebays stocks and ebay will go down even faster.
the sooner we get rid of ebay the sooner paypal will be gone.
This thread is a joke. Do you really think eBay or PayPal will hurt from 4 or 5 people What a waste of time and space.
Seems to me PP started out with one user and grew, funny though PP paid people to sign up where as no one pays anyone to boycott and the boycotters are still growing in numbers.
LOL Sandy thinks she knows everyone on these boards too!! She must be a witch! or maybe that is just a misspelling.
I have been contacting sellers on eBay and asking them about participating in the Boycott. Some didn't reply, some were nasty...BUT there has been 17 who have replied so far (4 powersellers) who are agreeing to participate in this. They will repost their "gains" and PayPal's "losses" at the end of the Boycott.
I am trying to get them to come here and post and I have directed all of them to the eBay board for further information on how risky PayPal is.
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CAPP -> CAPP -> Boycott PayPa AND eBayl - JULY 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, and 4TH. ~~UPDATED~~