Can you believe this, she hounded me for days now and she is very rude. See what happened **read everything if you like stupidity** NOTE: She paid before the PayPal B.S. Frozen Account mess. I got the item back & so I just recovered a little over $400 of what PP stole from me! I copied this right from the eBay dispute thread.
shadow_charm Mar-09-06 at 06:22:04 PST
I have already paid for this item using PayPal. Payment details are as follows: Amount: $420.98 PayPal address sent to: Payment date: Mar-01-2006
Additional comments: The paypal payment ID # is: 2YP51082V4843182N As usual, this seller is lying. I opened a paypal dispute (as he has not yet sent the item) and this is his way of retaliating, as he has done to previous buyers by leaving them negative feedback when they gave him the benefit of the doubt and left him neutral feedback. I am also going to open a criminal complaint with the U.S. postal service about him. Review his history CAREFULLY and you will see his deceptive patterns. I fear losing my money
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 08:39:03 PST
Item was shipped Friday March 3rd. I have 0 complaints open nor any buyers claiming the did not receive an item purchased from me..NOT 1 single person/buyer. Yes I have received a few netural feedbacks because of slow shipping but thats it!!! Please review your records & this will be confirmed! This lady is the thief!! I will be in Milwaukee for business later this month & deal with any problems my self...Small claims court it looks like. I have every record showing all shipments, dates & more.
shadow_charm Mar-09-06 at 08:55:02 PST
The fact that the seller opened up this claim for non-payment is prima facie evidence of his lie. If I hadn't paid for the item, then why would he have shipped it, and why would he have opened up this claim for non-payment in the first place? The fact that this NON-PAYMENT dispute is open (initiated by the seller) is proof that he lies. I have not recieved any packages from this seller as of today. Please remove this seller's ability to participate on ebay.
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 09:24:50 PST
Good luck!! on that one
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 09:30:24 PST
By the way the item was shipped as she stated but she reversed the payment....So of course I shipped it? She reversed the payment which is the same as not paying!
shadow_charm Mar-09-06 at 11:21:24 PST
Now he is grasping at straws. If one cares to look up my paypal history, one can see there is no payment reversal on ID #2YP51082V4843182N. Indeed, since the money came straight from my bank account and NOT a credit card, payment can only be reversed by paypal itself--which has not been done yet because they are still investigating the claim I filed. Please remove this seller from ebay, as you can tell by the objective evidence that this seller is once again spewing falsehoods.
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 12:17:41 PST
Mar. 8, 2006 Hold Placed ... -$420.98 USD $12.51 USD -$408.47 USD
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 12:40:07 PST
Ok, Now I know she is NOT a thief. Package arrived back to me today with the wrong ZIP Code on it? I copied & pasted the info from PayPal's Confirmed address section, why is it wrong?? Buyer...Please email me so I can send you pictures of the box with all the returned info/label/date shipped & a copy of the original receipt from the Post Office. You are not a thief but with your actions...I had to wonder? again email me for proof! I got it back and I feel 100% better! We were both kind of wrong
shadow_charm Mar-09-06 at 13:16:22 PST
If a hold was placed on the money, it was due to paypal doing it as a result of the initiation of the dispute. To be honest, at this point, if I got my money back I would consider this matter resolved. If you refund the money then I will cancel the paypal dispute and put an end to this matter.
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 13:40:31 PST
FIRST....WHY IS YOUR CONFIRMED PAYPAL ADDRESS WRONG??????? I have double checked it & the shipping address on the box matches your PayPal confirmed address.
shadow_charm Mar-09-06 at 13:49:46 PST
I have received many packages at my address listed with paypal. This is beside the point. Either you are or are not going to refund my money. If you do not, I will NOT cancel the paypal dispute AND I will proceed with the U.S. postal federal criminal complaint for fraud. Since this matter crosses state lines, it is within federal jurisdiction
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 14:11:05 PST
File... Please, please file A.S.A.P. I really, really wish you would & since there is a hold on it I can't do a refund but I will not dispute the claim so they will give you your money back. & there is NO WAY you get anything at that Post Office Box @ that ZIP Code as it does not exist. I also am asking the Postmaster to investigate fraud...Got all the proof in hands, not sure if it is fraud but somthing isn't right about this.
shadow_charm Mar-09-06 at 15:06:08 PST
To hasten the process you can tell paypal that you accept the claim. Just out of curiosity, what address DID you allegedly send the package to? I noticed, that at no time in this correspondence did you indicate what the address was.
np_sales Mar-09-06 at 16:45:54 PST
Shipping Address:
Alisha Rook P.O. Box 175 Milwaukee, WI 53052 Confirmed shadow_charmMar-09-06 at 18:04:36 PSTThis information is helpful. It appears that when I updated my address last,somehow the zip code did not get recognized right by paypal, and it translated the zip code to Milwaukee, when it should be Menomonee Falls, WI (a suburb of Milwaukee). I will look into this by calling ebay support. Did you have delivery confirmartion on this package? If so I can simply look up the numbere and verify, although based upon this new information, I think I can understand what happened. Whenever I send something I always use delivery confirmation (an extra 50 cents). This way, I avoid any problems with proving I sent something. Also, the difference between parcel post and priority mail is usually only about $1 or $2, and it gets there in 2 to 3 days rather than up to 9 days. Just a suggestion for the future. Based upon this new information, once the money is refunded, I will not leave you negative feedback, I will just not leave any, assuming you will not leave any for me either. NONE THE LESS SHE WAS 100% IN THE WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS!!! "I wont leave feedback if you don't" lol... loved that part She wins my eBay ***hole of the year award! I got a few other real emails from her....they were even worse
were on a mission ...from god "The Blues Brothers"
I am sure glad her zip code was wrong. I always checked my ship to address when I used PayPal to pay for something. Nothing left that account without all information double if not triple checked.
She should have been checking her own information before slandering me all over the place, I checked all my info 10 times over, she just choose to bitch instead of trying to figure out the problem. She is by far the worst eBayer I have ever dealt with. I was sure she was a con by the way she was acting but nope she was just an
I did ship her package priority mail & that's why I got it back so fast, shipped Friday got back to me on Thursday 2-3 days there & 2-3 days back, sounds about right to me. Thanks for the advise
I operate like this if you complain to me, "the CD arrived broken", I send you a refund, no questions asked but if you decide to leave neutral feedback instead of contacting me then I will give a negative feedback to them...I would have fixed it "refunded, shipping & all". Or if you leave neutral feedback stating only slow shipping/hard to contact but say nothing about the great piece of equipment you got for a great deal then I will also leave a negative, if you are not 100% happy ship it back, I will gladly refund & re list, no biggie, just a part of business, right!
You cant please all the people all the time! You can try though
were on a mission ...from god "The Blues Brothers"
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CAPP -> CAPP -> Great story bad eBay buyer I just delt with "read it all"