This one is getting an awful lot of attention. So much it's easier to look on twitter for the hundreds of links if you have seen it by now. eBay&f=realtime
It doesn't get much more funny than this.
Doesn't do much to help good ol' ebarf! There will be assorted ebay brain jokes for years to come.
But we have something no one else has; screencapture of, and original photos from one of the listings.
This is a case where the thousands of ebay trust & safety staff and whatever technology/software they've gloatingly claimed to have was outsmarted by pickled brains in a jar.
Keep up the great work, sleazebay!
In case people forgot, this isn't the first time human brains were offered for sale on sleazebay:
As you can see in the second link:
"It was removed before 11am, a few hours after it was put online and before anyone had made any bids," said spokesperson Irina Pavlova.
So ebay is definitely slipping on it's responsibility/quality of monitoring/filtering items.