The seller "collecting_coins" based in Shanghai, China, has listed its "Korean style Lady PU leather handbag shoulder bag 4656" in several colors, including rose pink, peach blossom and watermelon red -- but the seller failed to describe their dark brown shade without throwing in a racial slur.
Over the last 12 months, the seller has received 1,536 positive reviews and only 14 negative comments; none of which point out the distasteful description. It's unknown how many of the dark brown bags have been sold.
eBay's rules and policies state that they "don't allow using hateful, offensive, profane, or vulgar language in almost all public areas of the website, including listing titles or descriptions." But these bags have been on sale since at least July 15, 2011.
This isn't the first time the derogatorily titled color has painted an unpleasant picture.