Gee whiz! Something here sure seems to jump right out!
..."In a worst-case scenario, Mills said that the $0.12 transaction cap could reduce revenues for PayPal 96%.
"The definition of debit card is very broad in the Durbin Amendment and draft rules by the Fed," wrote Mills in his May 5 note. "If the final rules are as broad as the draft rules, PayPal accounts could easily end up being defined as debit cards."...
along with this:
...PayPal takes the position that - not only is it not a debit card or payment network - it is a large merchant of sorts...
Hilarious! Paypal isn't a payment service, a money transmitter, or a bank, nope... It's a merchant... of sorts... bwhahahahahhahaa!!!!
We all know PP will do whatever they need to to keep the scam-gravy-train rolling. WE can all be sure that pp will bribe (or 'lobby' or whatever they want to call it) to keep conducting biz. But they should know that they are in the crosshairs and people are coming after them in various ways. That 96% figure is just to let them know it's going to cost them big big bucks to keep operating...
PP mangement have recently been spotted adding to their 'happy days' funds. LOL