As we all know very well, paypal and ebay love porn. ebay's adult only section is without a doubt in the top 10 of online porn material and/or porn related suppliers in the world.
We also are fairly sure that some of PP's most pesky, pernicious, and vocal supporters likely run teenie-bopper porno sites and have been accepting payments through PP all along. LOL
We also know that ebay and PP are HURTING for money as the worm slowly turns and the entire world finds out the true nature of these miscreants.
So it should come as no surprise that PP has now changed their policies to 'officially' accept paypal for porn and adult items.
So we can expect to be seeing a lot more of this sort of thing, as Paypal enables more perverts to ply their trade and 'enjoy' their hobbies.
It is interesting to note that PayPal did not catch this ^ person, nor did they freeze the account, or interfere in any way with the illegal activities. They were quite glad to accept the money. They needed it really bad.
HOUSTON - They interviewed prospective call girls at a Starbucks, bragging to an undercover police officer that their clients were "people you might see on television." They charged $250 to $350 per hour, payable by cash, credit card and PayPal.
"There may be additional money laundering charges," Ms. Hawkins said.
Ms. Turbiville apparently did not hesitate to report customers who did not make good on their payments, which she referred to as "donations" or "birthday presents."
And FWIW, Pimp-Pal, err... PayPal was more than happy to have these folks as clients. They call it "Professional Courtesy".