Looks like PayPal's fraud rate has increased from 0.27% to 0.35%
Here's the link, but be warned the first 4 paragraphs are lies and spins that you'll want to ignore. They are lies and manipulatioins by professional spin doctor journalist. The last two paragraphs seem to be honest journalism because they have negative publicity.
Remember! If its positive for PayPal it's a lie, if it's negative for PayPal it's the truth. Always make sure you know which is truth and which are lies. Sometimes you find both in the same article, they do that to try and slip lies past you sometimes.
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.
anonymous wrote: Are you sure the author does not have an agenda?
Of course the author has an agenda in the first 4 paragraphs, lies and spins. In the last 2 paragraphs the author is being fair and unbiased and exhibiting professional journalism.
I haven't been asleep when I read this board, I've learned a lot. If it's pro PayPal it's spin, if it's anti PayPal it's good journalism.
Everyday, in everyway, I'm getting healthier and healthier.