I've been seeing some really good idea's floating around the boards at EB/PPS. We will incorporate them into each boycott (voluntary, of course).
I am setting up a date now....for our first WEEKEND boycot (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) of PayPal. Will post the date as soon as I get some things confirmed.
I think its a good idea, that during our boycotts, we not only refuse to pay by or offer PayPal, but to NICELY contact sellers of auction items we would normally be interested in and let them know that we passed on their auctions because they choose to help promote fraud by offering PayPal. For any item I have searched, there is always someone who doesn't offer PayPal and we can buy from those sellers.
Thanks for keeping this board alive while I get things in order. Keep spreading the word and we WILL make ourselves heard. The hard part is going to be sticking together, not giving into the cheerleaders, and toughing this thing out - it may take a while, but in reality....the longer it takes the more people who will have heard about CAPP and will have joined.
Our numbers may be small in the beginning, but I assure you they will continue to grow. As our numbers grow, so will the amount of $$$$ that PayPal loses while enforcing these ridiculous policies.
I appreciate all your help! You guys/gals ROCK!
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CAPP -> CAPP -> Seeing some good ideas floating around the boards....