Would anyone care to guess what Paypal/ebay will decide to do once they know what weekend this will be planned for?
Can anyone see a free posting day if you use Paypal as an buying option? No much to expensive for them, any others guesses or will they just hope that if they ignore us we will go away?
Hadnt even thought of that. I agree that if this can be planned and pulled off, you will see some sort of "gimmick" offered by PP/EB in order to entice people to use PayPal during that time.
What I can't wait for is the slew of sellers who do accept PP to come and say "oh our sales went up SO much that weekend".....lol....and we all know that will be a crock of sh*t!
I can see it now! LOL We will just have to ignore them, I can't believe the lies that come out in some of their posts. They must get paid pretty big bucks to make up for not being able to sleep at night after misleading if not actually lying to those that don't yet know any better.
Oh by the way the idea of the month long boycott made it on to the Paypal Sucks site. We might want to post there also when we intend to do the boycotting. There are some sellers on there that still use Paypal at times but if we gave them notice they might be willing to join in??? Might be worth a try anyway.
There are some real horror stories about Paypal on that site, and of course they have the usual PP/EB Moles and Trolls. The few times I have thought of using Paypal one stop there changed my mind real fast.
Some of it's content can be a bit coarse at times so probably not for some but I have picked up some good info there.
They also have No Paypal logos that they will allow you to use. I don't know if they would be allowed in listings on ebay as they are links to the Paypal sucks site but they could probably be used on about me pages if anyone is interested or if you do your own invoicing.
I think I found their first and second line of defense. First I can no longer find the liveworld/Paypal post that contained the link to here, and second if you google CAPP one or more items on the first page would lead you to Ebay.
So they are trying to shut this site down, must have scared them!
I think I found their first and second line of defense. First I can no longer find the liveworld/Paypal post that contained the link to here, and second if you google CAPP one or more items on the first page would lead you to Ebay. So they are trying to shut this site down, must have scared them! Suggestions?
To my knowlwdge, this site hasn't been submitted to Google or any other search engine, although they could have picked it up by doing a spider crawl of activeboards directory.
As far as them wanting to shut this forum down - won't happen. This is an issue between myself and Activeboard - not EB/PP. I have followed all of Activeboards rules - even listing this in the adult category due to possible strong language - and at this time no rules are being broken.