A settlement has been given preliminary approval in a class-action lawsuit against eBay Inc. and PayPal, Inc. (collectively, Defendants). If you are a member of the Class, you may complete a Claim Form to receive a benefit, or you can exclude yourself from the settlement, or object to it.
The Settlement will resolve a lawsuit against Defendants involving claims arising out of representations in the PayPal User Agreement regarding PayPals policies and practices for responding to refund requests from those customers who pay for transactions through PayPal using funds from funding sources other than credit cards. The Defendants deny that they did anything wrong. The Court did not decide which side was right, but both sides agreed to the settlement.
snippet from WSYR-TV, Syracuse, New York "...This particular announcement is legitimate. PayPal has agreed to settle a lawsuit alleging that customers who had an account that was not directly connected to a credit card had major problems getting refunds. ..."
(for all those who believed the PP site's spoof reports over the court documents, case numbers, dates etc, & even believed it was a massive, elaborate hoax)