A couple of times over the last few days, when I've gone to pay for something with PayPal, I have gotten a completely new screen to be filled out in order to pay for my item. I think it is very poor, and unless you are paying extremely close attention, you end up paying for things in a manner you do not wish to.
Normally, it is pretty obvious if you want to change from paying from your PayPal funds(mine is intentionally empty) or checking account, to using a credit card. However, on this new form, the change payment is in very tiny print in the upper right hand part of the form which is displayed.
Once you discover this and change it, it comes up with yet another very sneakily-written message asks you to confirm that you want to change. Problem with this - the answer is exactly opposite what we have always answered on that screen. You again have to really, carefully read what they are asking to continue paying with a credit card instead of your bank account.
I don't know why they cannot leave well enough alone, but I think the entire form is very sneaky. They do NOT want you to pay with a credit card, IMHO, they want you to pay cash. In that way, if there is a dispute on the matter, you as a buyer do not have your credit card company to back you up - you must depend on (HA!) PayPal Buyer Protection.
So, my word of caution to you if you're buying - be very, very sure you read thoroughly all the questions, because they were very sneaky in their wording, and you could end up paying for something in a manner you didn't want to. The first time it got me, it took about $45 out of my checking account, which ticked me off, but at least the money was there to cover it. The 2nd and 3rd time, I read every bit of it until I was convinced I had it right.http://forums.ebay.com/db2/thread.jspa?threadID=1000664928&tstart=0&mod=1205346268701
Pretty sad when Paypal would rather screw a buyer by tricking them into using their bank account (when they wanted to use a credit card) and cause the buyer to be overdrawn and get hit with anywhere from $30 to hundreds of dollars just so precious Paypal can save 35 cents.
Ever notice that most places have everything in big bold text font. Paypal has to have that 'change payment options' in small, subdued text, then they lead you through a couple more screens filled with weasel words aimed at trying to get you to use bank account, etc.
What I have been reading is that they are having 'glitches' where it still goes to bank account, then the person gets hit with a reversal they cannot defend against, and some have to pay bank overdraft fees too.
Pure fraud, IMO.
Last time I paid for something at an alternate site I was trying out, (yesterday) you pay the site, not the seller, but anyway, there are 2 big 150-200 or so pixel wide brightly colored buttons clearly labeled 'Pay with credit card" and "pay with checking account" One or the other, no bullsh## in there.
If Paypal were an honest company, they would have that too.